A non refundable deposit of 20% is required at time of booking to secure your reservation. The balance must be paid to us at least 2 weeks before your arrival.
Once your booking is confirmed, it is Riad Chayma's responsibility to provide you with what you have booked and it is your responsibility to pay for the accommodation. If you fail to do so, your booking may be cancelled and you will be liable to pay cancellation charges.

All relevant documentation will be sent to you via email. It is your responsibility to check that the details of your booking are correct and to contact us immediately if you have any queries. We will not be responsible for any information you do not receive, as a result of your failure to provide a valid e-mail address.
If you need to cancel or amend your booking, you must do this in writing and may have to pay a cancellation or amendment fee.
Cancellation Policy:
-14 days prior: 100%
- 14 days - 1 calendar month: 50%
- Over 1 calendar month: 20%
We accept payment via credit card, bank transfer in Pounds Stirling or via cash at the Riad.
Note: Credit card payments are subject to a 4.5% fee We do not accept AMEX.

We do not store credit card details nor do we share customer details with any 3rd parties
Prices on our website are subject to change as we do advertise sales and special rates from time to time. Please note that once you have agreed a price and made your booking this is the price you pay. If the price decreases, you are not entitled to the accommodation at the changed rate.